Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Return to my World

Well that is what it feels like. A return to Pixel Vixen's world.

I've not been away. I've not been silent. Only on here.

I've been busy. Busy with photography and exhibitions. Busy with life, moving on. Busy moving forwards and upwards. Learning and growing.

2013 was quite a year. I may share some of it. Some of you will know all about it from Twitter, Facebook and some of you have been there with me all the way through it. Or some of it.

I left my part-time position of eCommerce Marketing Manager and Photographer almost a year ago.  The knowledge that you can support yourself (and daughter) as a freelancer is very comforting. Of course I have my good friend and work colleague Paul to thank for that. For support, for work, for being there. A great team. Also I thank my clients.

I achieved my goals.....

I photographed Prince Charles, David Cameron, Boris, a long list of World Leaders. I photographed not so famous people who were so extraordinary, they left their mark on my existence.

One of my photographs was used as a poster on London Underground for the Royal Parks. Much bigger than I had hoped for!

I travelled. To the city I loved the first time I went and still continue to love. New York.

My daughter became an adult. What happened there? She has always been very mature and grounded. She has worked for the last 3 years, she got good grades in A'Levels. She will do well. I am happy!

I met someone I like a lot, who has similar interests. Unexpected. Nice. Very nice.

I made new friends in random places, on trains, via Twitter, on the street.

I learned a lot about existing friendships. That is all.

I told the world that I was Daisy Meadows. That it was me who won the London Photography Award in 2010. Some of the world knew. Some didn't care. It didn't matter. I was glad the 'secret' was out! I exhibited in Wolverhampton at the Lighthouse Media Centre. I was happy to take my work back to my roots. To where my inspirations and passion for photography started.

I was reminded of the actual picture I saw as a teen, which made me so desperately want to become a photographer. The cover of Nik Kershaw's The Riddle album. I finally went to a Nik Kershaw gig. I met Kim Wilde and Rick Astley. I'm an 80's girl.... what can I say? ;)

I learned a lot about myself. I failed. I survived. I succeeded. I set new goals.

These are the cobwebs I needed to clear...

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