Wednesday, 9 December 2009

First step into Photojournalism

I always wanted to produce work like the great documentary photographer Don McCullen after studying his work at college.

I approached one local regional weekly newspaper for work experience who told me I had lots of potential but they would like me to have gained experience before starting with them. Catch 22 situation!

Determined not to be put off, I approached another regional weekly (different area but still local to me) as one of my photos had been sent to them from a client. I always remember taking far too many photos with me to that first initial meeting. Less is definitely more when you are showing your portfolio!

I was given the chance to go in for a couple of days experience. On the first day I was left to my own devices and given 5 or 6 Fish & Chip shops to photograph for an Advertorial piece on the best Chippy in the area. After the fourth one I was starving so I took advantage of the free chips they offered. Returning to the office with my processed film, I was shown the ropes on how to scan the negs and had my first introduction to Photoshop!

They were happy with my photos and asked me to go back. I will never forget the moment when the Chief Photographer said to me, 'Don't forget to invoice us!' I was elated!

The newspaper was the Harrow Observer which incorporated Wembley, Willesden, Stanmore and Pinner Observers and the Watford Leader. It had a reputation for some of the best photography in the country and won Awards year after year. I learned from the best and will be eternally grateful to Edmond Terakopian, Gareth Beard, Stuart Emmerson and Sophie Ward for sharing knowledge and for giving me the chance in the first place.

Needless to say, I have since freelanced many times with the first newspaper I approached, as well as all the North and West London Regional Newspapers for many years.

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