Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Jeannie Avent Gallery Exhibition 2012

I am a member of LIP (London Independent Photography) which has over 1000 members in London. There are satellite groups all over London and I attend one in Greenwich and also in Sydenham.

The Dulwich and Sydenham branch is run by Yoke Matze and meets every month. Members of this satellite group collaborated to organise an exhibition at a local Art Gallery, Jeannie Avent Gallery in East Dulwich, London SE22 9EU.

The exhibition ran from 11 - 24th April 2012 and was called 2 x 4 Photographers because each week 4 photographers from the group formed the exhibition. See below for the group I exhibited with.

 Left to right: Julian Lesage, Yoke Matze, Eamonn Power, Myself, Eugene Ryder.

I exhibited photos I had taken in 2003 which although I was using digital technology back then, this series I had shot on Transparency film and X-processed in C41 chemicals. I had gone on a photo walk with my  friend Richard, who is also my muse, starting off in the West End going through Covent Garden crossing the River Thames and heading along the South Bank. This still is one of my favourite walks in London. Out of a roll of 36 frames, I had at least 30 great shots!

X-processing from E6 film with C41 chemicals gives deeper saturated colours, burns out highlights and shows texture in a different light. These were the 6 images I exhibited on the gallery wall. I have a fascination with architecture and perspective. Lots of my images are about line and form. I like to show abstract views which I have done here. I also exhibited in the window, 3 more photos from the same series.

To see more photos from the exhibition and private view see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelvixenuk/sets/72157629870101067/with/7100463865/

All work is for sale. To buy, please contact the photographer on 07931 900269.